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Showing posts from February, 2023

Ranting about this book that I read

 Book Review ! This is not so much a book review as much a record of how this book made me feel ! I came to fiction after a long time and wandered and got lost in the lanes of this beautiful island finding love and peace in a warm sunny weather by the sea ! That's the wonder of fiction that even though you know its fictional, nothing ever comes as close to being real and relatable as stories like these. The moment when Linus found out about Arthur and was torn between not knowing whether to trust DICOMY or Arthur was when chills ran down my spine because I know that feeling, a little too much to my liking. Few books and just a few books, after being read create that void which is difficult to fill and sets you looking for something else, some other voice, some other words that can fill this void and this one was for sure among those few ! Lines that blew my mind away and are going to stay with me are.. "Arthur's smile, that quiet beautiful smile that felt like seeing the o...