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Showing posts from 2019

Becoming a demanding reader !

I started reading as a casual reader, more so driven by the perception of reading rather than actually being driven by the need to read. I started with fiction, gradually drifted to non-fiction but never really had a sense of direction about what to read and hence largely dependent on reviews from co-readers to arrive at my next book. However I have lately started thinking about reading for understanding the world better, for creating my mental models of decision making, to enable choices and to understand concepts I think are far more complex than I can process. And in the process, make effort to remember what I read and also hone my abysmal writing skills.  Hence this is an introductory post of my first book review, to summarize my learning and understanding of the last book I read - Made in America by Sam Walton. Deriving inspiration from an article I read on Farnam Street , I will structure my reviews around the following questions and continue improvising as I go along. ...

There is molding yet to be done

I mostly resort to poetry for expression...attempting prose this time... Speaking to my five years younger self... You are fresh out of college with a lot of education, many degrees, some disposable money in your hands and a whole gamut of options of what you can do and who you can become. The most important thing to know is that there is still a whole lot of you left to become who you want to become. It might appear that you have already shaped yourself and have become who you could (may be not who you should) and that the mold has already taken form. But this I want to tell you is a lie. This is the time you will become who you will be for the rest of your long life.  It will be easy to get accustomed to comfort and laziness. It will be natural to adopt the ways of people around you. It will be easy to drift in accepting who you are. But what comes easy is not what's worth having. Accept the fact that if you get your self worth from hard work, thought and labor, then...

Kaash Waqt Na Hota

आज बहुत वक़्त बाद जब वक़्त मिला है तो ये आवाज़ आई की काश वक़्त ना होता....  काश वक्त ना होता  ये रूह जला देने वाले सुलगते ख़यालो को  और गरमी देने का...  काश वक्त ना होता।   इन नासूर जैसे ज़ख्मो को  और गहरा करने का... काश वक्त ना होता।   जो मेरी रौशनी निगल जाए  ऐसे अँधेरे को और कालिक देने का...   काश वक्त ना होता।   ये मायूसी जो आंसू बन के बहती है  उस मायूसी को और नमी देने का... काश वक्त ना होता।   जिन सवालो की आंधी में उड़ रही हूँ  उस आंधी को और हवा देने का...  काश वक्त ना होता। ज़िंदगी की कश्मकश में उलझते धागो को  और उलझाने का... काश वक्त ना होता। ये स्याही जो इन विचारो को आकार देती है  इस स्याही को कलम देने का...  काश वक्त ना होता। काश वक...